Dental bonding is the application of adhesive gel that connects to composite resin, zeroing in on a problematic section of a tooth. The resin is sculpted and molded after a secure connection is established. Once the optimal shape is achieved, the dentist shines an ultraviolet light for hardening purposes. The surface of the tooth is polished for the best possible aesthetic, texture and feel. Your dental bonding can be completed in merely one visit to our dentist’s office in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Dental bonding has the potential to become slightly discolored as time progresses, meaning it is in your interest to return to our office for cleanings. If your dental bonding eventually reaches the point where you dislike its aesthetics, we will remove and replace it. What matters most is that you take care of your teeth with ongoing dental hygiene at home.
If you have discolored or chipped teeth, dental bonding is worth your consideration. Be sure to schedule an examination and cleaning at our Daytona Beach dental practice at least two times a year. You can reach us at (386) 255-8866 to schedule an appointment at our office.